Friday, July 31, 2009

Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi

The measure of a country's greatness should be based on how well it cares for its most vulnerable populations.

The joy of life consists in indesting oneself of life's cares Man's joy knows no bounds when he obtains something beyond his hopes.

Wildlife is decreasing in the jungles, but it is increasing in the towns.

Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

The test of friendship is assistance in adversity, and that too, unconditional assistance. Co-operation which needs consideration is a commercial contract and not friendship. Conditional co-operation is like adulterated cement which does not bind.

My life is one indivisible whole, and all my activities run intoone another, and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of mankind

Love never claims, it ever gives. Love ever suffers, never resents never revenges itself.

Insistence on truth can come into play when one party practises untruth or injustice. Only then can love be tested. True friendship is put to the test only when one party disregards the obligation of friendship.

I want to see India free in my life-time. But God may not consider me fit enough to see the dream of my life fulfilled. Then I shall quarrel, not with Him but with myself.

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